Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Untuk Kenaikan Jabatan Pada PT. SMS Cengkareng Barat Dengan Metode Profile Matching

July Ayu Winarsih, Syamsul Bahri


ABSTRACT - Currently Human Resources (HR) is an asset that is very valuable and very strategic so as to determine whether a company's health or not when viewed from its assets. Development of human resources must be planned and sustainable it is a company's future needs. In company employees is an asset, human resources that must be maintained properly. To maintain human resources, planning management, appointment of new employees, selection, orientation, training, education, job appraisal and promotion are required. The company conducts an evaluation or assessment of all employees, employee appraisal is a very important part because with good employee quality it will get good work result. Company targets will be achieved, company continuity and regeneration of employees can be done well.
Keywords: HR, Performance Assessment, regeneration

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