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Author Guidelines

Editors accept manuscripts of articles, research results, or scientific works that have not been previously published on other media through the page.


Writing Guidelines


The article has never been published in other media and no plagiarism. A plagiarism-free statement can be included in a document signed by all authors and uploaded to the supplementary file (step 4). It can also be attached to the results of a plagiarism check.


The writing format is 2 columns with equal width 1 cm column distance using A4 paper size (21x29.7cm). Text margins from left and top are 3 cm, right and bottom are 2 cm. Manuscripts are written in Microsoft Word, single-spaced, Times New Roman 10pt, and a minimum of 6 pages. They are setting paragraphs with 6pt spacing after spacing and not using First Line Indent.


The article's title should describe the content and use the fewest possible words. Avoid using too long phrases such as "A Study of...", "Investigation of...", "Implementation...", "Observations on...", "Effect of...", "Analysis. ..", "Design...", etc. Article search depends on the accuracy of the title; besides that, keywords also help in searching references.


The introduction should describe a transparent background, a clear statement of the problem, literature relevant to the subject, the proposed approach or solution, and the new research value containing the innovation.


Management and citation of bibliography made in APA style (Sanjaya, Ramdhani, & Prasetio, 2016). The articles are presented in a section structure: Introduction – Research Methods/ Algorithms (optional) - Results and Discussion - Conclusions. Terms in foreign languages are written in italics.


The author can use the literature review in the "Introduction" chapter to explain the difference between research and other articles, that writing is the latest innovation.


Suppose the research is of high originality, which proposes a new method or algorithm. In that case, additional chapters after "Introduction" and before "Research Methods" may be added to briefly describe the proposed approach or algorithm. The Introduction chapter can also contain supporting theories of the proposed method for solving a problem or developing the technique based on explicit references (books, journals, proceedings, and other scientific articles).


Document Display Format

The abstract writing format is written in one paragraph using Indonesian and English and italicized for abstracts in English and uses left and proper alignment. Meanwhile, the manuscript from Introduction to Reference is made in a two-column model. The table form uses a horizontal line design for subheading and the end of data entry. The titles in the Tables and Figures use Table 1, Table 2, etc. Or Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.


Research methodology

Describe the chronology of the research, including the research design, research procedures (in the form of algorithms, pseudocode, or otherwise), how to test, and data acquisition. References must support the research description program, and the explanation can be accepted scientifically.


Results and Discussion


This section emphasizes the new value of research containing innovation and its implications. In this section, the research results are explained, and at the same time, a comprehensive discussion is provided. The results can be presented in numbers, graphs, tables, etc., making the reader easily understand. The discussion can be made in several sub-chapters.



Provide a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction," may eventually lead to "Results and Discussion," so there is compatibility. In addition, the prospect of developing research results and the prospect of implementing further studies can also be added. Avoid statistical data and also provide recommendations for future research based on sources.



The primary references are accredited international journals and national journals. All references must be the most relevant and up to date. References are written in APA style using Mendeley software. Each quote must be written in ascending order (A-Z). No need to group by book, journal, etc. References from websites/internet URLs can be obtained from trusted sources.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Penulis melakukan penyerahan naskah secara online melalui ojs
  2. Dokumen yang diunggah adalah versi Word (doc atau docx)
  3. Penulis melengkapi formulir untuk penulis secara lengkap termasuk Judul, Abstrak, dan Referensi
  4. Penulis mengunggah Surat Pernyataan Orisinalitas dari naskah yang dikirimkan
  5. Proses review oleh reviewer akan dilakukan jika naskah telah sesuai dengan template. Hasil Proses Review akan diserahkan kembali kepada penulis untuk direvisi dan diunggah oleh penulis.
  6. Naskah yang telah memenuhi syarat akan dipublish di bulan Maret atau September

Copyright Notice

Copyright Policy Statement

Authors who publish their manuscripts through Widya Cipta: Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen agree on the following:

1. The copyright holder of the article is the author(s).

2. The author gives the right to publish the scientific articles to Widya Cipta: Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen as the first publisher. At the same time, the author gives permission/license regarding the Creative Commons Attribution License to other parties to distribute the articles.

3. Non-exclusivity stuff in Journal distribution publishes the author's scientific articles can be agreed upon separately (e.g., a request to insert in institution library or publish as a book) then adjust the author as one of the parties and Widya Cipta: Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen as the first publisher.

4. Authors can publish the article online before and during the manuscript submission process (e.g., in the Repository or on the organization's/institution's website), as this can promote the earlier and exchange of citations.

5. Manuscripts and related materials published through this Journal are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA)


Privacy Statement

Nama dan surat elektronik yang didaftarkan pada laman Jurnal ini hanya akan digunakan untuk keperluan proses di dalam Jurnal dan dijamin kerahasiaannya dari pihak lain/tujuan lain


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 600000.00 (IDR)
Rp. 300.000 untuk proses publikasi naskah, Penulis dapat menngunduh dan mencetak sendiri artikel yang sudah diterbitkan