Mengoptimalkan Tata Kelola TI: Audit COBIT 5 Domain DSS Pada Aplikasi Penjualan
This research evaluates the maturity level of the information technology (IT) processes at PT. WAM using the COBIT 5 framework, focusing on the DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support) domain. The study was conducted to assess the capability of various IT subdomains, identifying areas where improvement is needed to meet strategic goals. Results show that PT. WAM has achieved relatively high capability in most IT processes, with the majority reaching Maturity Level 4 (Predictable Process), indicating well-defined and consistently implemented processes. However, certain subdomains, such as DSS01 (related to access control) and DSS02, were found to be at Maturity Level 3 (Established Process), highlighting the need for further optimization, especially in access management and risk mitigation. An overall maturity gap analysis showed a positive gap for DSS06, with the maturity level exceeding expectations, while DSS02 and DSS05 revealed negative gaps, indicating a need for improvement. The findings suggest that while PT. WAM has made significant progress in IT governance, there are specific areas, particularly in access control and risk management, that require enhancement to achieve optimal efficiency and ensure business continuity. The recommendations include strengthening access policies, enhancing risk management protocols, and conducting regular evaluations to align IT strategies with business objectives.
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P-ISSN : 2355-990X E-ISSN: 2549-5178