Diagnosis Penyakit Tanaman Karet dengan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani
Like most plantation plants in general, rubber can be attacked by various diseases originating from fungi, pests, animals and even cancer cells. For that we need a method capable of diagnosing rubber disease. In previous research related to the diagnosis of plant diseases, among others, using the Dempster Shafer method, the Certainty factor method and forward chaining. This study developed an analysis of the results of the diagnosis of rubber plant disease using the Mamdany Fuzzy method. The choice of this method departs from research on fuzzy mamdany which states that the fuzzy mamdany method is able to resemble the intuitive way the human brain works. It is hoped that with this method, the diagnosis of rubber plant disease can help farmers detect symptoms earlier so that the productivity of rubber plantation products can be achieved. increased. This study used rubber plant disease data from the Jambi Provincial Plantation Office in Jambi City. From the results of calculations carried out in diagnosing rubber plant disease, as many as 161 rubber plant object data were equipped with 33 symptom identities and a diagnosis from plantation data, then tested 60 rubber plant data without a diagnostic label, we obtained an accuracy value of 81.28%. Likewise, testing by randomizing training data with Cross Validation obtained close results.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/p.v22i2.8909
Copyright (c) 2020 Hendrawan Hendrawan, Abdul Haris, Errissya Rasywir, Yovi Pratama

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ISSN: 2579-3500