In organized activities is quite difficult for us in making decisions that could accommodate all the wishes of each participant involved in the decision-making contribution. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), a method that is able to handle the problems in making decisions that bind all desired expectations. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is a method used to solve problems that can assist communities in selecting bekasi public facilities and infrastructure development will be built mainly in the construction of roads, markets, sports hall and recreation area. Through the analysis of the AHP process to which the writing can be inferred from the three criteria based on the value end of the analysis are viewed from the public participation criteria to prioritize construction of sports hall, seen from the criteria for prioritizing the benefits of road construction, and visits from care criteria to prioritize the development of recreation areas. The first process is performed in AHP is to find the eigen value vector of criteria and alternatives, and then calculate the value of consistency ratio (CR) of each criteria to comply with the value of the Random Index (RI) to the number of orders that were analyzed, the analytical results obtained value of consistency ratio (CR) criteria for public participation, benefits, and successive treatments were (-0.4872), (0.0730) and (0.0336). AHP value of consistency in the rules Ratio (CR) must be less than 0.1. From the analysis of the results obtained CR values below 0.1, so that decisions can be said to have an optimal and acceptable.
Keywords: AHP, eigen vector, consistency ratio, decision
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