Company as an organization has a number of objectives to be achieved. That's why human resources is the most important asset in the company. In order to improve employee performance measurement needs to be done to obtain an assessment of the employee. Job satisfaction has a large potential effect on job performance, counterproductive behaviors, work absentee rates, turnover, employee stress levels and physical and psychological health of both workers. Therefore required the measurement of employee performance to a balance between satisfaction and employee performance for each employee who is satisfied is expected to work at optimum level so that the objectives of the company's performance can be achieved.
This study aims to measure employee satisfaction and determine the factors that cause job satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the conduct of employees rating and for measuring the performance of employees on the factors that support the success of the company's goals to be achieved and the level of significance of factor- factors affecting success in measuring employee performance. The instrument is used to make a list of questions and questionnaires. To measure employee satisfaction and determine the factors that cause job satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees based on the dimensions of the work according to Herzberg's theory using the method / scoring with a Likert scale. Questions and questionnaires were dibuatdalam company's web. The answer to that question can use text and emoticons as a depiction of emotions from the answerer. Each employee is entitled to vote emoticons on each question so there will be feedback between employees and management through the emoticons.
Keyword : emoticon, job satisfaction
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/p.v13i1.3426
Copyright (c) 2018 Nining Suryani

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ISSN: 2579-3500