Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Yayasan Ganesha Operation Semarang)
Kata kunci : sistem informasi, penjadwalan, berbasis web
Abstract - Teaching schedule arrangement is a complex problem often faced by educational institution of education, especially Ganesha Operation Learning Institution Semarang. Scheduling process using desktop-based software still has weaknesses such as difficulty to deliver the schedule information report to both teachers and students. The schedule reports are usually printed and given to every teacher. Mean while, Students who want to knowing about the learning schedule of their class can call customer service or by look into the schedule board where the students learn. To facilitate the academic division in arranging and delivering schedule information to teachers and students, it is necessary to have web-based scheduling information system. The web-based information system has an advantage it can be accessed by users using web browser that can be found in all both desktop dan smartphone operating system. The method of developing system is SDLC(System Development Life Cycle) that consists of several phases, including planning phase, analysis phase, desain phase, implementation phase, dan maintenance phase. However, the maintenance phase is not include in developing this system. The result of this research is that the web-based information system of teaching schedule can help the academic staff Ganesha Operation Semarang Institution to process data more accurately as a guide line for teachers and students.Keywords: information systems, scheduling, web-based
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ISSN : 2714-9935
Published by LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
Jl. Kramat Raya No.98, Kwitang, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10450
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