This research describe how to implication the Green Economy for increasing going concern the
growth development in Indonesia. The research uses library research methode.Globalization give
influence for building industrilization, and prosperity, while the industrilization give good and bad
impact, in the phenomena in the world, in spite of industrilization and development is one of vital
component, in other side it has been problem of area contamination, and if this problem hasn't
been finished, it would be the big matter for survival of Environtment. based on the problem, the
purposes of this research are look for and know that best solution and strategy within how to
arrage and apply the planning of development and environment harmoniously and sustainable,
and the one of solution is Green Economy, and the green economy is one of policy which it use for
solving the matter, there is a lot of Strategy which it can be implemented example green
revolution, green Chemistry etc, but one of important thing, all of impact from industrilization and
development can be solved by participation of stakeholder
Key word : Green Economy
Full Text:
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ISSN: 2579-3314
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