Dina Andriana, I Ketut Martana


This study aims to determine the effect of marketing mix strategies (products, prices, promotions, places, processes, people, and services) on the selection of students in an advertising study program at a private university in Jakarta. The population of this research is the new students of Study Program at 2017 academic year totaling 139 people. The results of hypothesis testing show that R Square is equal to 0.895 where the marketing mix strategy (product, cost, promotion, place, person, process, and service) explains 89.5% has an effect on the dependent variable (Student Decision). While the remaining 10.5% is the influence of other independent variables that are not explained by this research model such as environmental influences. And testing the independent variable partially, the variable person (X5) with a value of tcount of 5.720 and service (X7) with a value of tcount of 7.916 which shows a greater influence than the other independent variables. And variables that show the lowest influence are in the process variable (X6), the tcount is 2.077. So that it can be concluded that the marketing mix variables simultaneously influence student decisions in choosing a study program, but if partially the person variable (X5) and service (X7) contribute to the decision making process of choosing a study program.


Keywords: marketing mix, decision to choose

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