Transformation of BUMNTrack News Content on Digital Media In Achieving Sustainable Business

Eko - Sumardi




Digitalization forces print media to transform into online media so that the number of online media increases. In January 2023, the Press Council noted that there were 1,711 media companies in Indonesia that had been verified. The largest number is online media, namely 902 companies. Data from the Press Workers Union (SPS) in 2022, the number of print media will decrease to only 399 media. The previous year there were still 593 print media. The BUMNTrack print magazine utilizes digital platform media in delivering news content to build a sustainable business in the digital era. The print magazine BUMNTrack, which is published once a month, has been transformed into and BUMNTrack TV, whose news content can be seen on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. Research title "Transformation of BUMNTrack News Content in Achieving Sustainable Business in the Digital Era". The research objective is to determine BUMNTRACK's content transformation strategy on digital media in achieving sustainable business. The research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Research results: The use of digital media by BUMN Track until December 2023 is as follows: 1) The news site contains 10-15 news content related to BUMN per day. 2) The account has 1,113 posts, 3,715 followers and 1,112 following. 3) The account has 322 thousand subscribers and displays 435 videos related to BUMN news. 4) The transformation of BUMNTrack content into digital media has maintained BUMNTrack's credibility in the eyes of readers and clients in the center. The transformation of BUMNTrack's news content encourages sustainable business development amidst the decline in the media business. 5) The transformation of BUMNTrack content into digital media ensures that BUMNTrack's branding as a news media specifically for BUMN is maintained. A number of BUMNTrack marketing activities, including annual events such as the BUMN Branding and Marketing Award and the Environmental Social Responsibility Award (TJSL Award) always receive support from BUMN and BUMN. The transformation of news content into digital media carried out by BUMNTrack has encouraged efforts to build a sustainable business.


Keywords: Sustainable Business, BUMN, Digital Media, Content Transformation



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ISSN: 2579-3314

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