The Growing of in Umroh Travel Agent make rigid and strict for Competition,
especially about promotion program for marketing, Promotion is one of effort or
aim for facing the competitiveness and acquatinance all of product which the
company have it. Promotion should have done by interesting and creative
program, it can be done looking for and attracting for all the customer , on that
ground PT Akram Rihlah Mubarak Bekasi is one of Umrah Travel Agent always
give the variety and innovation of the Promotion for the Costumer, and the
promotion which is setting out by the the variety and innovation have been done
for defencing the competitiveness. The research use the qualitative method by
using the Interview, Observation and literature study, PT Akram Rihlah Mubarak
Bekasi need more of strategies which have been done, and as a result the target of
Promotion has been reach out 75% in 2013, 60% in 2014 and 66,6% in 2015,
reach out of the target of Promotion considerate between (realization –
Planning/Planningx100%), with the result of the target of promotion which have
been reach out by ground PT Akram Rihlah Mubarak Bekasi, it can make
conclusion, generally the program of promotion have been done effectiveness ,
but in the future the company must think of the best alternative for facing the
competitiveness by more Effective and innovative Strategies
Full Text:
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ISSN: 2579-3314

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