Intan Leliana


The Program of Balada Cerita Ramadhan (Ramadan Story of Ballad) at Prambor
radio is program of radio drama that is purposed attractively for Kawula Muda
(listener). A drama radio that has the sense of fun and religious da’wah is for
teenager. This research is aimed to know the process of pre-production,
production, post-production, supported factors in developing a program that The
Program of Balada Cerita Ramadhan (Ramadan Story of Ballad) is broadcasted
altogether within eight cities (beside Jakarta) and it has been starting since past
ten years. Moreover, this program is popular in big cities and obtains positive
feedback from the listener, especially Prambors radio. This research of method
uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The data collection is done by doing several
steps, such as: interview, observation, documentation review, and library. The
result of this research is explained by seeing three processes; they are: preproduction,
production, and post-production. Also, the influence for Kawula
Muda is able to spend the time of ‘ngabuburit’ without visiting the target place,
without giving money. Even, it is able to get the true meaning story of friendship
and positive story that can be dedicated into a certain community.

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ISSN: 2579-3314

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