Kata Kunci: Analisis Sentimen, Aplikasi Transportasi, Naive Bayes classifier algorithm (NBC).
ABSTRACTPublic transport is considered as a solution to problems related to urban mobility. Associated with the transport, jabodetabek have problems like other big cities in the world, traffic congestion. Traffic congestion occurs at peak hours in the morning and evening, for it needed an application that can be used to access transport easily and quickly one of which is transport applications online that is currently widely used by mobile smartphone. Sentiment analysis can be considered as a classification process that has three major classification level is the level documents, at the sentence level and at the level of aspects. At the level of sentiment analysis document aims to classify a document as a statement of opinion or the opinion of the positive and negative sentiment. In addition the use of method used in the present study was methods that are widely used in data processing in the form of text mining with a fairly high degree of accuracy that the algorithm Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC). while The Naive Bayes classifier algorithm ( NBC ) is obtained by 84.00%. Key Words: sentiment analysis,Transportation applications, Naive Bayes classifier algorithm (NBC)
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