Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pembelian dan Penjualan Barang Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: CV. Samdhika Elektronik Depok)
The need for rapid and accurate information is one of the factors the rapid development of information
technology in this era. Inevitably application of information technology in a company / institution is needed
to enhance the effectiveness of work and cost efficiency of daily operations. CV. Electronic Samdhika Depok is
a company engaged in the purchase and sale of electronic goods have not utilize information technology as a
whole because the CV process. Electronic Samdhika Depok already use computers for activities of daily
business but have not yet implemented a computerized information system is integrated in the process of
buying and selling goods. Therefore, the author intends to design and develop information systems purchases
and sales that could be useful for CV. Electronic Samdhika Depok as an improvement over the use of
information technology-based website with SDLC approach of using the waterfall model.
Keywords: Development, Utilization, Information Technology
technology in this era. Inevitably application of information technology in a company / institution is needed
to enhance the effectiveness of work and cost efficiency of daily operations. CV. Electronic Samdhika Depok is
a company engaged in the purchase and sale of electronic goods have not utilize information technology as a
whole because the CV process. Electronic Samdhika Depok already use computers for activities of daily
business but have not yet implemented a computerized information system is integrated in the process of
buying and selling goods. Therefore, the author intends to design and develop information systems purchases
and sales that could be useful for CV. Electronic Samdhika Depok as an improvement over the use of
information technology-based website with SDLC approach of using the waterfall model.
Keywords: Development, Utilization, Information Technology
Full Text:
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/swabumi.v4i2.1024
P-ISSN : 2355-990X E-ISSN: 2549-5178