School is one institution that has the duty and function to seek, promote and foster the potential of the
students. Various factors affect the quality of education among which is the curriculum, instructional
media, learning and other methods can also give effect to student interest. Students' interest often affect
student learning outcomes, with interest in learning the low is likely to produce learning outcomes that
are not optimal, in addition to the above lack of student interest is also influenced by the learning method
that teachers are still using a system of conventional teaching by means lecture. The results of
observations at one junior high school students to the data values are still many students who get low
marks, especially in science subjects. This is caused by boredom experienced by the students of the
atmosphere in the classroom, as well as the delivery of content media pembelajaan unattractive and
difficult to be understood by the students. So in need of a new system that can support teaching and
learning activities, one of which is interactive learning with intelligent agent-based animation. This
learning system using multimedia development cycle by Mc Leod.
students. Various factors affect the quality of education among which is the curriculum, instructional
media, learning and other methods can also give effect to student interest. Students' interest often affect
student learning outcomes, with interest in learning the low is likely to produce learning outcomes that
are not optimal, in addition to the above lack of student interest is also influenced by the learning method
that teachers are still using a system of conventional teaching by means lecture. The results of
observations at one junior high school students to the data values are still many students who get low
marks, especially in science subjects. This is caused by boredom experienced by the students of the
atmosphere in the classroom, as well as the delivery of content media pembelajaan unattractive and
difficult to be understood by the students. So in need of a new system that can support teaching and
learning activities, one of which is interactive learning with intelligent agent-based animation. This
learning system using multimedia development cycle by Mc Leod.
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P-ISSN : 2355-990X E-ISSN: 2549-5178