Society in general to know that the bank employee had performance (performance) less
professional in completing a task. The employee's performance according to the behavior of some
banking issues still exist throughout Indonesia. Relating to the above description, it is necessary to
investigate the influence of leadership style on employee performance improvement. In this case
will be examined by taking employees of Dinar Bank Indonesia as the object, namely "Leadership
Style Influence on Employee Performance in PT Bank Dinar Indonesia". Data analysis method
used in this research is the Qualitative Data Analysis is performed if the data is collected only a
little, is a monograph or tangible cases that can not be arranged into a structure klasifikatoris and
analysis of quantitative data analysis is performed if the data is used the calculation math /
statistics. Influence leadership style variable weak to employee performance can be possible,
because in the Bank Dinar leadership influence is very small because the employees in the work
does not do his job, especially a job pependidikan primary level (substance), although there has
been the direction of leadership. Lack of leadership styles performed by a company shows lack of
good performance of the company.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Eemployee Performance
Full Text:
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