Online Examination System is highly prevalent among all education. One of the private colleges
that participate realize is STMIK NUSA MANDIRI. Implemented in reaction to the self-users, in
the form of acceptance or rejection. Acceptance of a technology is strongly influenced by the
readiness of the users of these technologies, it has been demonstrated empirically by Walczuch et
al (2007). Adapting from these studies and research supporting the study entitled "Study of
Preparedness and Acceptance Testing System Technology Online: A Case Study STMIK Nusa
Mandiri" aims to examine whether students in STMIK Nusa Mandiri Jakarta already has the
readiness and receive technologies on a system put in place. The model used to describe the
relationship of the factors that affect the readiness and use Google Docs app is Readness
Technology Index (TRI) in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by using the research method
of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on software analisys of Moment Structure (AMOS)
version 21.0.
Keywords: TRI, TAM, Online Examination System, SEM, dan AMOS
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/p.v15i2.6341
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