The ability to use e-mail as essential to the ability to use the phone. E-mail system is very important that
many people would complain if the e-mail system can not waste bekerja.E-mail (SPAM) is a problem almost
all Internet users and the various efforts to control has been done. Without knowing the factors that cause
the occurrence of SPAM, then this problem will still continue. This paper set forth an analysis of SPAM with
SMTP Method I, to find fault in the system and the significant factors that cause other Spam.Analisis
ontology of the system architecture of e-mail describing the parts and systems so that such connectedness
can identify system weaknesses. Then all the significant factors associated with each other by relations of
causality and proven method SMTPI messages sent by SMTP will be sent in the queue. SMTP will avoid
replying to the message from the queue if connected to a remote machine .. is the use of filtering solutions
that are considered quite effective from the technical point of view. filtering is essentially aimed at helping
e-mail recipients to filter (select) which automatically e-mail right from spam e-mail, saving time and
tenaga.Hasil analysis showed that not only technical factors such as the architecture of e-mail system and
authentication process that factors in SPAM, but also other factors such as less sweeping application of
security policy (security policy), and economic factors such as cost of sending an e-mail is low.
Keyword: E-mail, Spam, E-mail filter,SMTPI Methodics
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2009 Nandang Iriadi

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ISSN: 2579-3500