The research objective is to design and build a network linking the headquarters with a branch
office in PT. MHE DEMAG Indonesia, so change data going to run safely and smoothly with the
hope it can improve network performance and company performance in support of business
processes. To meet these needs may use a technology called Virtual Private Network (VPN). IPVPN
MPLS has a better degree of flexibility compared to leased lines, frame relay, and ATM, and
also offer a cheaper solution. VPN technology can be formed with a facility that can tunnel across
the MPLS network. The tunnel facility can build a site to site connection lines are virtual and have
a pretty good level of security because it can only be accessed by users who are on the wrong site
(private connection). IP MPLS is a data communication services in the form of dedicated leased
IP-based channel with its main advantage is able to provide any services to any connection.
MPLS-based IP VPN technology can provide services include: Intranet, Extranet, and Remote
Dial. In addition, this technology also has some clappers like: Multiservices Platform,
Provisioning Scalability, Cost Saving Opportunity and Security. This study discusses the
implementation of IP-based MPLS VPN used on PT. MHE DEMAG Indonesia and the authors
conducted experiments with simulations. Simulation program used is GNS3 and Cisco IOS.
Simulation test results showed IP-MPLS VPN works. VPN-MPLS IP VPN is able to separate the
one with the other so as to improve and guarantee the safety factor between head office and
branch offices.
Keywords: Internet Protocol, Komunikasi data, MPLS, VPN
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 1969 Suryanto Suryanto, Sari Dewi

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ISSN: 2579-3500