Online examination system is the system of evaluation of student learning online through the
website. This study aims to determine the acceptance of the use of technology in online
examination system and the factors that influence the model Unified Theory Of Acceptance And
Use Of Technology (UTAUT) that have been modified. Statistical test methods Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) that will be analyzed using AMOS software, so expect the research the institution
get information related to the factors that influence the attitudes and behavior of the users of
online exam system. From the results of SEM analysis found that the model did not fit. Therefore,
the use of analysis. The factors that influence it are performance expectancy, and social influence,
explain 42.9% of the variance.
Keywords: Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT), Online Testing System.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/p.v15i1.2200
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