Hari Sugiarto


Costumers’ satisfaction and loyalty are the most important things in business competition. Three
variables that will be used in this research are Quality System, Information Quality, and Service
Quality. These factors may impact the users’ satisfaction. The research proposes a combination
framework model of DeLone and McLean models (2003) and Akbar and Parvez models (2009)
and Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the questionnaire data. The result of
the analysis shows that the model does not fit with the population. In other hand, the model only
represents the samples. Based on proposed model, Quality System and Information Quality does
not significantly affect users’ satisfaction whereas the Quality service does and users’ satisfaction
influences users’ loyalty.

Keywords: E-commerce, SEM and AMOS

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/p.v15i1.2199

Copyright (c) 1969 Hari Sugiarto

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