The use of computers as the technology to impact the health of the world that such a claim on
Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Masyarakat (JPKM). Once the insurance company requires the
existence of an information system that could facilitate providers in filing his claim. For that, the
research done on the system of filing a claim on the insurance company, which until now has not
been computerized. The system used is still done manually starting from the filing of the claims are
sent via EMAIL later use in processing and submission of data to recapitulate the claim still using
Microsoft Excel Software. Such a situation is very clear may inhibit the process of filing a claim
can result in the claim process to be delayed. The design of this information system is the best
solution to solve the problems that exist. System development method used is the method of Rapid
Application Development (RAD), which consists of four stages, namely Requierements Planning,
User Design, Construction and cutover Phase. The result of this information system can facilitate
the provider to submit the data on claims and provide convenience for the insurance company,
especially in the claims section to check the claim documents online. So the claim filing system
that will be implemented are more favorable than the previous system.
Keywords: Information System, JPKM, RAD.
Full Text:
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