Determinasi Kualitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) berdasarkan Perspektif Sumber Angsuran dan Rasio Fraud Account Officer (Studi Empiris Bank Negara Indonesia-BNI Periode 2008-2017)

Lucky Nugroho, Annas Malik


Abstract - Home ownership loans are one of the best products in every banking industry. That is because housing is part of basic needs. In addition the bank in maintaining its reputation, it must be able to show good performance to all stakeholders, one of which is to maintain the quality of home ownership loans. Therefore this study aims to determine the factors that influence the quality of Home Ownership Loans. In this study the independent variables used are Fixed Income, Non-Fixed Income, and Fraud Account Officer (AO). While the dependent variable is the Quality of Home Ownership Loans. Design sample collection in this study is a causal study of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Consumer and Risk Division 2008-2017 period. The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are that Fixed Income has no significant positive effect on the quality of housing loans, non-fixed income has a negative and no significant effect on home ownership loans. While the Fraud Account Officer has a significant positive effect on the Quality of Home Ownership Loans. Therefore the bank must be able to provide education and training in order to reduce fraud from AO and also improve the welfare of its employees.


Keywords: Home Ownership Credit (KPR), Credit Quality, AO Fraud

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