Preferensi dan Kesediaan Konsumen Membayar Salak Pondoh Organik

Endro Isnugroho, Susilo B. Winarno


Abstract – Salak Pondoh Sleman has received Geographical Indication protection. Geographical Indication is part of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) which is a universal concept showing the origin of the quality and characteristics of an item. This product is characterized as an organic with international standard management in the Sleman Regency. This study aims to predict the willingness of consumers to pay (willingness to pay or WTP) salak pondoh products that already have previlege available in the Sleman domestic market, with the intention of the results can be used to provide useful insights in outlining the promotion strategy of organic zalaka products, especially in the salak pondoh labeling program. In order to build a description and choice inference for purchasing salak pondoh, a structured questionnaire instrument was presented to 220 respondents with a purposive sampling method. The characteristics and descriptions of purchasing preferences of zalacca were measured by Chi Square analysis and to determine the effect of product brand image variables (brand image) and brand awareness on the willingness of consumers to pay (WTP) regression analysis was used. This brand variable as a proxy for premium salak pondoh products has received geographical indication protection. The results showed that differences in education levels and differences in the magnitude of consumer spending determine the preference for purchasing premium type of salak pondoh, which is zalacca with a relatively high price. Brand image and product awareness have a positive effect on the willingness of consumers to pay for premium products. The obstacle in this study is that at the time of research the availability of premium zalacca products based on both types of seeds and organic management was minimal in the market, resulting in relatively high price differences between organic or superior types and ordinary salak pondoh.

Keywords: geographical indications of salak pondoh, willingness to pay, brand equity, organic

Abstrak - Salak Pondoh Sleman telah mendapatkan perlindungan Indikasi Geografis. Indikasi Geografis merupakan bagian dari Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) yang merupakan konsep universal menunjukkan asal kualitas dan karakteristik suatu barang. Produk ini dicirikan sebagai organik dengan pengelolaan berstandar internasional di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi kesediaan konsumen membayar (willingness to pay or WTP) produk salak pondoh yang telah memiliki previlege yang tersedia di pasar domestik Sleman, dengan maksud hasilnya dapat dipergunakan untuk memberikan wawasan bermanfaat dalam menguraikan strategi promosi produk salak organik, terutama dalam program pelabelan salak pondoh. Guna membangun suatu deskripsi dan inferensi pilihan pembelian salak pondoh digunakan instrumen kuesioner terstruktur disajikan kepada 220 orang responden dengan metode purposive sampling. Karakteristik dan deskripsi dari preferensi pembelian salak pondok diukur dengan analsis Chi Square dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel imej merek produk (brand image) dan kesadaran merek (brand awareness) terhadap kesediaan konsumen membayar (WTP) digunakan analisis regresi. Variabel merek ini sebagai proksi pada produk premium salak pondoh telah mendapatkan perlindungan indikasi geografis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan tingkat pendidikan dan perbedaan besarnya pengeluaran konsumen menentukan preferensi dalam pembelian salak pondoh jenis premium yaitu salak dengan harga yang relatif tinggi. Imej merek (brand image) dan kesadaran produk (brand awareness) berpengaruh positif terhadap kesediaan konsumen membayar produk premium. Kendala dalam penelitian ini adalah pada saat penelitian ketersediaan produk salak premium baik berdasarkan jenis bibit maupun pengelolaan organik sangat minim di pasaran, sehingga terjadi perbedaan harga relatif tinggi antara salak organik atau jenis unggul dan salak pondoh biasa.

Kata kunci: hak indikasi geografis salak pondoh, kesediaan membayar, ekuitas merek, organic

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