Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja website Desa Wisata Ngargoretno dengan menggunakan pendekatan eMICA Model dan Search Engine Optimization Tools (SEO). Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan penelusuran secara eksplanasi. Data dianalisis melalui penelusuran konten website Desa Wisata Ngargoretno serta Site Audit dari Ubersuggest. Hasil analisis eMICA memperlihatkan bahwa website Desa Wisata Ngargoretno masih jauh dari standar kelengkapan konten suatu website yang digunakan sebagai alat digital marketing. Begitupula dengan hasil Site Audit Ubersuggest memperlihatkan bahwa website Desa Wisata Ngargoretno keberadaannya dalam mesin pencari (search engine presence) masih jauh dari kategori baik. Hal tersebut harus menjadi perhatian bagi pengelola Bumdes Argo Inten untuk dapat meningkatkan kapasitas dari para pengelola website tersebut, seperti memfasilitasi pelatihan atau bekerjasama dengan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perusahaan, tenaga ahli dari perguruan tinggi dan atau para praktisi digital marketing.
Kata Kunci: Website Desa Wisata; eMICA; Search Engine Optimization; Digital Marketing; Desa Wisata
This study aims to evaluate the performance of the Ngargoretno Tourism Village website using the eMICA Model and Search Engine Optimization Tool (SEO) approach. The research method uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory search. The data were analyzed through browsing the content of the Ngargoretno Tourism Village website and the Site Audit from Ubersuggest. The results of the eMICA analysis show that the Ngargoretno Tourism Village website is still far from the standard of completeness of the content of a website that is used as an internet marketing tool. Likewise, the results of the Ubersuggest Site Audit show that the Ngargoretno Tourism Village website's presence in search engines is still far from a good category. This should be a concern for the Bumdes Argo Inten managers to be able to increase the capacity of the website managers, such as facilitating training or collaborating with the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, experts from universities and or digital marketing practitioners.
Keywords: Website Desa Wisata; eMICA; Search Engine Optimization; Internet Marketing, Tourism Village
Kata Kunci
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