Pengembangan Knowledge Management System Berbasis Knowledge Audit

Panji Madya Ramdani


Dasar dari sumber daya ekonomi saat ini bukan lagi berupa modal uang, sumber daya alam maupun tenaga kerja melainkan juga pengetahuan (knowledge). Pengetahuan sebagai intangible asset yang harus dikelola perusahaan menjadi paradigma baru dalam lingkungan bisnis sebagai pusat kekuatan dan keunggulan dalam bersaing. Namun masih banyak organisasi belum atau tidak mengetahui potensi pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh karyawannya karena organisasi kesulitan dalam menangkap (capture) tacit knowledge. Lambatnya penyebaran pengetahuan disebabkan oleh terbatasnya ruang dan waktu. Transfer knowledge hanya menggunakan metode tatap muka, konsultasi secara langsung dengan atasan, dan briefing pagi (socialization-tacit totacit). Adapun Explicit knowledge hanya terdapat dalam bentuk berkas (hardcopy), dimana terdapat kesulitan dalam proses pencarian. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mempermudah transfer knowledge di dalam perusahaan melalui pengembangan knowledge management system berbasis knowledge audit dengan knowledge management processes sebagai standar pengembangan. Audit yang dihasilkan telah mampu mengidentifikasi kompetensi dan kapabilitas dari karyawan, serta mengoptimalisasi mekanisme knowledge management yang ada di organisasi.

Kata kunci: Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge Audit, Knowledge Management System.

The basic economic resources now adays is no longer capital, natural resources, nor labor, but also knowledge. Knowledge as intangible asset, that need to be managed by organization became new paradigm in the business environment where knowledge is now considered to be central to organizational performance and integral to the attainment of a sustainable competitive advantage. Many organizations still do not realize the knowledges and experiences their employees had. It happens because the organizations have difficulties in detecting the tacit knowledge, thus the sharing of knowledge and experience did not run smoothly. If the employees had to share what they know then they do it by meeting face to face with their superior or share it in the morning briefing.Time and spaces are still the main problems in this case. Explicit knowledge only shared in form of a hardcopy archives, while there is also a problem in archiving files within the organization. This research has succeeded in easing the transfer of knowledge through knowledge management system with knowledge audit as a base and knowledge management process as a development standard. The audit result has the capability in identifying competence and capability of the workers, and also optimize the existing knowledge management mechanism within the organization.

Keywords: Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge Audit, Knowledge Management System


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