
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Jurnal Informatika manuscript submission is through OJS (Open Journal System).

Furthermore, the results of the editors' and Bestari Partners' manuscript review (revisions, acceptance, or rejection) will inform via email, and the corrections are required resubmitted into the Jurnal Informatika.

Guidelines for Authors / Online Manuscript Submission or as a Journal Reader:


  1. Visitors must have a "user name" by clicking "register" and creating a password before accessing the Jurnal Informatika website and filling out the profile. You should 'Register' first before submitting the manuscript if you are an author. Are you already registered? Go to the login stage and begin the five-step script entry procedure.
    1. Starting a New Manuscript Submission

Click Here to start the five-step submission process.

Step 1. Starting Manuscript Submission

(1) Start; (2) Upload Manuscripts; (3) Enter Metadata

(4) Upload Additional Files; (5) Confirm

  1. "Login" is required for 'Readers' who want a complete manuscript and download in PDF or writers who wish to submit a manuscript and check the status of the submitted manuscript until it is published, while information on the manuscript reviewed will notify via email;
  2. If you only want to search or view the journal's contents, both names and manuscripts that Jurnal Informatika has published, please select the 'LOOK' menu.

Writers Guidelines

Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript returned. 

  1. The manuscript must be original, fit for field research, the result of conceptual thinking related to social and development. The manuscript is have not been published in advance, or are under consideration by other journals.
  2. The manuscript is required to be written in English language. Articles are typed with 1 (one) space on A4 paper using a word processing program MS-Word for Windows, using 10pt “Arial” in A4 paper, without hard-hyphenation, and a maximum of 12 pages.
  3. The article title is explicitly written and effectively, no more than 12 words, font size of 16pt.  The author's name is written with the full name and does not include the title. Include the affiliation/institutional address and the author's email address according to the example below:

1) Taufik Baidawi, 2) Siti Marlina, and 3) Agus Junaidi


1,3  Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jl. Kramat Raya No 98, Jakarta Indonesia

2 Univeritas Nusa Mandiri, Jl. Jatiwaringin No 2, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

Corresponding email: (only one author correspondence)

  1. The article is accompanied by an abstract in Indonesia and English, min. 100 to 250 words, accompanied by 3 keywords.
  2. Manuscripts are made in 2 (two) columns, except for the main title, author's name, and abstract.
  3. The systematics of writing the Jurnal Informatika, are as follows:

In writing articles, avoid using dot points, alphabetizing, or numbering as in the following examples:

1. .........................

2. .........................

But it is written in a series of sentences: (1) ….; (2) ….

Articles are written in essay form; then there is no numeric (or alphabetical) format separating chapters/sections or marking new chapters/sections; the conclusion is in paragraphs not detailed in bullet points.

  1. Each citation must mention the most up-to-date library source in total and be written with a running note system, for example:


... this is also stated by Alamsyah (2015) that the three powers divided that is separated from the others.


..."Globalization that leads to homogenization" (Ramdhani, 2012).


The bibliography is preferably published in the last five years, compiled with the APA Style system (APA Style Guide), using alphabetical order; written as follows:

Agetia, A., Hendra, G., L, L. H., & Hariyanti. (2020). Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penliaian Kinerja Pegawai Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Pada Universitas XYZ. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Indonesia (JIK), 5(1), 6–12.

  1. 8.      Table

Tables are numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the main text, and each table has a short title put above it in bold that explains items' relevance in the main text.


Whether diagrammatic or photographic, each illustration can be assigned a number and inserted in the image (1, 2, etc.). The image has a short title that illustrates content significance in the main text and is printed in italics at the bottom of the graph or image.

  1. Authors must cite relevant articles from International Journals / National Journals / Proceedings of at least 15 citations as references.
  2. The submitted manuscript will be peer-reviewed (blind reviewer) by 2 (two) reviewers then presented via email and Open Journal System (OJS).
  3. Manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed and declared fit to be published must submit plagiarism-free statements (Form1)
  4. Accepted manuscripts are subject to a fee, and authors are entitled to an online version.
  5. Please use the provided Article Templates (Templates) to make it easier to write articles.




Writers Guidelines


Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript returned.

  1. Submissions have not been published in advance or are under consideration by other journals (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor).
  2. OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect are file formats for scripts.
  3. When URLs are available, they are provided for reference.
  4. One spaced text; 10 point Ariak fonts; italic; not underlined (except URL address); and all images, figures, and tables inserted throughout the text, not at the end.
  5. The author guidelines, located on the About Us page, contain text complying with library and style criteria.
  6. If you have been accepted into the peer-reviewed section, check procedures under Ensure Blind Reviewers have indeed been followed.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Proposed policies for journals that offer open access The conditions that the author required are as follows:


  1. The author retains the copyright and grants on the journal the right of first publishing simultaneously under a license under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), which permits others to copy and redistribute this material in any form or format includes composing, modifying, and making this material derivatives for any purpose, including commercial purposes.
  2. Authors may enter into separate contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of a decadent version of the journal's publication (e.g. posting it to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), acknowledging its original publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post the article online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their website) before and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges and earlier and more advanced citations of a published article (check: Open Access Effect).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 600000.00 (IDR)

The article payment information will be sent via email if the article has gone through the review process and is declared accepted.

The author does not need to pay the cost of sending articles to the Editor of Jurnal Informatika