Penerapan Metode K-Means Clustering untuk Pemetaan Pengelompokan Lahan Produksi Tandan Buah Segar
In Sei Lukut Estate, West Maredan Village, Tualang District, Siak District, Riau Province, PT. Surya Intisari Raya, a private business, administers oil palm plantations. It has 4 sections of oil palm land made up of 216 blocks totaling about 4,000 Ha. Blocks of oil palm typically cover 20 hectares and contain 28,000 palm trees, with a monthly output capacity of 57 tons. The mapping of the production clusters for fresh fruit bunches seeks to help the business decide what policies to implement to increase the accuracy and productivity of palm oil production. The K-Means method is a component of the clustering method, which is a subset of the Unsupervised Learning group and is used to partition data into various categories. In order to group land blocks based on the eight variable data areas of total principal, harvest length, loose leaf, rainfall, fertilizer, goal, and percentage of success, this study will apply the Davies Bouldin Index with RapidMiner tools. The final conclusion of this research is an application that can map the grouping of fresh fruit bunch production areas by applying the K-Means Clustering method, with the smallest Davies Bouldin Index value of 0.921 in the number of clusters 3 including Cluster C1 (Medium Productivity) consisting of 96 blocks land, Cluster C2 (Low Productivity) consists of 41 land blocks, and Cluster C3 (High Productivity) consists of 79 land blocks.
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