Pengaruh Karakteristik Komputer berupa Kualitas Display Komputer dan Pencahayaan terhadap timbulnya Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) (Studi Kasus: Siswa-Siswi MA Al-Ma’Arif Cianjur)
Abstract - The use of computers for Students in the MA Al-Maarif is something
that is often done in a computer learning activities. These activities are vulnerable
to the emergence of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The influence of computer
characteristics such as the quality of computer displays and lighting used as study
variables. Research conducted by questionnaire questioner which spread to all the
students of MA Al-Maarif totaling 20 questionnaire. Tests carried out using PLS
Smart Software 3.0. The test results of each variable has validity and reliability
were good, and each variable has seen the relationship and influence on the
results of hypothesis testing t-statistic is in = 1 and path coefficient for variable
display computer and computer vision syndrome variable frecuency 30.0 and 0 , 6
path coefficients, variable lighting and computer vision syndrome variable
frecuency of 31.0 and 0, path coefficients, between lighting and computer display
by 79 frecuency and 0.8 path coefficients. a causal relationship between variables
can be seen through the evaluation of the model R-Square and f-square> 0.
Keyword: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), Lighting and Computer Display,
Smart Software PLS3.0
Abstrak - Penggunaan komputer bagi siswa-siswi di MA Al-Ma’arif adalah suatu
hal yang sering dilakukan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran komputer. Kegiatan
tersebut rentan terhadap timbulnya Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Pengaruh
karakteristik komputer berupa kualitas display komputer dan pencahayaan
dijadikan sebagai variable penelitian. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan
penyebaran angket questioner yang di sebarkan kepada seluruh siswa-siswi MA
Al-Ma’arif yang berjumlah 20 angket. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan
Software Smart PLS 3.0. Hasil pengujian setiap variable memiliki uji validitas dan
reliabilitas yang baik, dan setiap variable memiliki hubungan dan pengaruh terlihat
pada hasil uji hipotesis t-statistic berada di =1 dan path coefficient untuk variable
display computer dan variable computer vision syndrome sebesar 30,0 frecuency
dan 0,6 path coefficients, variabel pencahayaan dan variable computer vision
syndrome sebesar 31,0 frecuency dan 0, path coefficients, antara pencahayaan
dan display computer sebesar 79 frecuency dan 0,8 path coefficients. hubungan
kausal antara variable dapat terlihat melalui evaluasi model r-Square dan f-square
Kata Kunci: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), Display Komputer,
Pencahayaan, Software Smart PLS3.0
Teks Lengkap:
P-ISSN: 2527-449X E-ISSN: 2549-7421
Statistik Pengunjung Jurnal IJCIT