Abstrak - Kepercayaan nasabah menjadi hal penting dalam meningkatkan pelayanan bertransaksi di Bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini membangun kepercayaan nasabah melalui penerimaan kualitas dan penerimaan risiko. Terdapat 100 nasabah yang digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan dan pengaruh antar variabel penelitian yang diuji melalui hipotesis. Melalui kuesioner yang disebar pada tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya hubungan yang berbanding terbalik antara penerimaan kualitas dan penerimaan risiko, serta kepercayaan nasabah dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan penerimaan kualitas dan penekanan penerimaan risiko nasabah atas produk internet banking. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya dan memiliki implikasi pada penerapan pelayanan nasabah secara online di Bank Rakyat Indonesia.
Kata Kunci: Penerimaan Kualitas, Penerimaan Risiko, Kepercayaan Nasabah
Abstract - Customer trust more important in improved service transactions in the Bank. The purposed of this study build customer trust through the perceived quality and perceived risk. There are 100 customers who used to study the relationship and influenced between the variables tested through hypothesis. Through questionnaires distributed in 2015. The research found inversely proportional relationship between perceived quality and perceived risk, as well as customer trust can be enhanced through increased perceived quality and decreased perceived risk of customers on internet banking products. The complete study and previous research has implications for online customer service application in Bank Rakyat Indonesia.
Keywords : Perceived Quality, Perceived Risk, Trust
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