Pembingkaian Berita Unjuk Rasa Mahasiswa Papua Di Istana Merdeka (Framing Pada dan

Shifa Syabilla


On August 28, 2019, around hundreds of Papuan students from the Papua and West Papua Student Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Merdeka Palace, the capital city of Jakarta. They demanded the government to arrest the perpetrators who had provoked by calling racist words against Papuan student at AMP. Because of these demands, they also mentioned other demands that were contrary to Indonesian regulations, namely asking for a referendum for Papua. The demand for a referendum on Papua became increasingly aggressive when the Morning Star flag was raised in front of Merdeka Palace. Papuan separatism is Indonesia’s main threat. Protests like this cannot be allowed to happen again because they have violated Indonesian regulations. News of the Papuan student demonstrations has been in the spotlight of the mass media, especially online media such as and In this research, I want to see how the news of Papuan student demonstrations is framed on and I use the Zhongdang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicki framing which looks at the framing of syntactic, script, thematic and rhetorical structures. I use a constructivist paradigm and qualitative research methods. The results showed that both and have dominant sides to the government. The two media are equally dominant in discussing the legal aspect, because the two media show the fact that the demonstration was tinged with elements of separatism so that there was a need for the arrest of the main actors of the demonstration.  

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ISSN: 2579-3314

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