Analisis Hubungan Pelatihan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Bukopin, Tbk Jakarta

Firstianty Wahyuhening Fibriany


Human resources play a very important role in the company.  The superior man and professional in his work will be able to improve the productivity of the company. To get a superior and professional employees in her work, companies need to provide training for employees to produce a good performance.  This research aims to mengevalusi the influence of the training provided by the company against the performance of its employees.  The methods used in this research is quantitative methods using the questionnaire as a primary data collection techniques and by using probability sampling a sampling technique that is giving the same opportunities in population to be selected into the sample.  The sample used as many as 40 of the subject and will be tested using the test of the correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination test and regression equation using SPSS ver 22.0. Test results on the correlation koefisen, resulting in the existence of a relationship between variables X and Y, although weak, namely his relationship of 33.8% and the rest affected other variables. Based on the results of the test results obtained any t that there is presence of influence between training on performance of employees.


Keywords: Human Resources, Evaluation, Training, Compliance, Performance

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ISSN: 2579-3314

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