Indria Widyastuti


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) currently has a very big role towards
economic development in Indonesia. SMEs also become the foundation for 99.45% of
labor in Indonesia.Various attempts were made by various parties to enhance the ability of
micro, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives, one of which is the Rural Bank.
Rural Bank role for communities in rural areas is expected to spearhead the MSE sector in
financing, by way of channeling credit to SMEs in the long run and do the coaching
business loans in order to improve the financial performance of SMEs receiving credit.To
simplify the process of analysis undertaken, the author will make a model of analysis in
order to answer the problem. To prove the hypothesis presented in this study using simple
linear regression statistical tool with one independent variable (X) be the amount of
working capital loans that have been disbursed by rural banks in West Java Province
(specially in Bandung area) and three dependent variable (Y) in the form of increased
sales turnover, profit margins ratio and working capital turnover. Therefore, in this study
will use three simple regression equations models. Based on the results of regression
analysis with the t-test on-year throughout the study period 2013-2015 found that: there is
a positive influence among the independent variables are working capital loans disbursed
Rural Bank with an increase in the dependent variable.

Full Text:



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ISSN: 2579-3314

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