Denny Erica


This study aims to find answers and explain the influence of tutoring on
the learning achievement of students, analyzing the variables that most influence
the learning achievements of learners, and to analyze the relationship between
dimensions variable tutoring the dimensions variable learning achievement of
students in high school Kafah Unggul Tangerang.This research method is a
method of quantitative approach that analyzes the research data to test or test
correlation coefficient r. The results obtained r count of 0,478, while r table at
significance level of 5% is 0,361 so that r count > of r table. From the
calculation, t count equal to 2.880 further than the price t table at significance
level of 5% and db = n-2. So db is 30-2 = 28. Then the obtained t table at
significant level 5% = 1,701. Turns t > t table. Based on the above data
processing r count 0,478 > 0,361 tables of r so that Ha is accepted. This means
there is a significant relationship between tutoring and academic achievement of
students in high school Kafah Unggul Tangerang is included in the medium
category, because in the range between 0.400 to 0.599 is 0.478. An important
finding of this study was the achievement of learners in high school Kafah Unggul
Tangerang, influenced by tutoring in the medium category that needs to be
improved variable tutoring is to maintain the continuity of the learning
achievement of students in high school Kafah Unggul Tangerang.

Full Text:



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ISSN: 2579-3314

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