Perancangan Company Profile Swarnabumi Residence Media Interaktif
Kata kunci: Perancangan, Media Visual, Company Profile, Kopelland, Swarnabumi Residence
Media is a channel of communication between people. That depends on which media is appropriate to make said communication effective. Likewise, when we wish to reach a certain segment of society a specific language suitable for the group needs to be used. The same can be said for choice of media. Technology has come a long way, expecially in the design company profile and many new media continues to be explored and used. One of them is the interactive media. A media that use electronic media and combines the real and virtual world. With the growing media today, the development towards interactive media is very helpful in terms of marketing and information that is valuable and easy to understand both by the old, young and even the layman about the world of property. Interactive media used by PT Kopel Lahan Andalan or also called kopelland who presents Swarnabumi Residence, which is a first apartment occupancy in Bandung with co working space intended for exclusive workers.
Keywords: Design, Visual Media, Company Profile, Kopelland, Swarnabumi Residence
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Tidak berjudulReferensi
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