The Central Bureau of Statisticsis anon-departmental government agency directly responsibleto
the President. This study aims to determine the factors that affectcattle demand for meat. To
analyzethe influence of the price of beef, goat meat prices (competitors), and total population.. To
know themagnitude of demand for beefin western Java. To obtain the data, the authorsobtain the
data fromBPS(Central Bureauof Statistics) ondemand for beef and mutton which is quitelar
geamong the community.The method usedin this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.
From the results and discussion can be concluded that affect the price of beefper capitacalorie
consumption demand. Goatmeat prices (competitors) affect the demand for calorie consumption
per capita. The total population affect the demand percapita calorie consumption.
Keywords: the price of beef, mutton prices, population
Full Text:
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