Sunarto Sunarto


Abstract- Consumers are the important element in consumer behavior, then in an attempt to market a product, a sales manager should analyze, study, and understand the consumer behavior of prospective consumer,then it will take  point of view of consumer is obtained and it can reevaluate and respond the needs rapidly. Therefore, consumer needs which underlie consumer behavior should be understand completely. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of consumer behaviors which consist of cultural, social, personal, and psychological both simultaneously and partially to the consumer behavior in purchasing handphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S. The populations are 100 consumers who purchase handphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S on Jalan Bintara Raya, Bekasi. The analysis technique is using the multiple regression analysis.The result of simulataneous examination show that cultural, social, personal and psychological factors have significant influence to the consumer decision in purchasing handphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S with the enormity of influence is 81,4 % which reflects the relationship among these variables to the consumer decision in purchasing handphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S is firm. Where as the result of partial examination shows that all variables which are selected as research model each of them has positive and significant influence to the consumer decision in purchasing handphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S.


Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Purchasing Decision, Consumer Decision

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