Perancanaan Strategis SI/TI Menggunakan Four Stage Model Pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kubu Raya Kalimantan Barat
Strategic planning is one of the effort in order to the factor organizations can do strategic planning. To reach the building of SI / TI to official education needed strategic planning, that plan a system for the future. Realization of building S/TI influeneed by important factor, generally not enough yet such as: infrastructure of communication and information, penetrations of computer and internet, human resource, applications, organizations and procedure system, funds and etc. For that problems, so strategic of building SI/TI with case from official education Kabupaten Kubu Raya meaning for a basic guide SI/TI of field application system only. Approaching that use is Four Stage Model Methodology, that modificated necessary to adapt with typical organization, Sector of official education. The expectation is to reach a uniformmity of planning development application in SI/TI area and to creat human resource that competent in SI/TI area. Trough this research, writer expected the end of result from this research can give a basic thinking for development application system SI/TI that comprehensive, efficient, effective according to capability from Official Education Kabupaten Kubu Raya that will be standard of implementation, so that finally can be realized a system of SI/TI. Result of this research in individual or organization in every instance goverment.
Keyword: Official Education of Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Strategic Planning SI/TI, Four Stage Model Methodology.
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PDF (English)Referensi
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