Basically the factors that influence the success of a company is with the marketing management in a company, these factors may include internal factors that effort factors that could affect the company as a product produced and servant, a factor that can not be controlled entrepreneur taste Buyers are always changing, the emergence of new competitors, the emergence of substitute goods, government regulation possibility of the action of competitors and others. factor is preferred marketing management in a company, other potential factors that are owned by the company will determine if the company excellence directed properly to the progress of the company for the purpose of this research can identify how the wisdom of marketing to sales volume in the company, and how they affect of the respondents to the Center of Small Industries Hasta Work At Babang Jagoi District of Jagoi Babang Bengkayang. In this study, the author uses descriptive methods, data collection methods used were interviews, questionnaires, documentary studies, and studies library. From the results of this study the authors conclude that the factors that influence the marketing wisdom to sales volume splint include: product quality, promotion strategies influence on consumer behavior, marketing costs, barriers exist to increase product sales and sales volume splint. In increasing sales volume purchases employers must respond to splint it sells. Thus the consumer needs a good quality can be met, so that not only will increase the volume of sales but also affect the benefits to be obtained in order to promote the progress of enterprise entrepreneurs for the development of Small industry center Hasta works.
Keywords: Wisdom marketing and sales volume splint
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/jki.v3i1.1654
DOI (PDF (English)): https://doi.org/10.31294/jki.v3i1.1654.g1206

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