Recording traces of web activity current penggunjung be one way to determine the behavior and habits of website visitors . In e - commerce visitor behavior of data will be very useful to know what became of interest from prospective buyers to read what he was looking for content , so it can be considered a decision to provide the products most frequently searched for visitors . Web - bugs at this time to be one way to record a web visitor activity which works unnoticed by them . This research aims to exploit the server variables contained in webserver , PHP programming especially the track record in capturing visitor information website . This study uses an experimental research and application development method using the waterfall model . From the results obtained that an image element in HTML can be used to insert code that can trigger action of web - bug on the server which is then used to record the activity of website visitors .
Keyword: web-bug, web transaction log, e-commerce
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/jki.v2i1.1623
DOI (PDF (English)): https://doi.org/10.31294/jki.v2i1.1623.g1180

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