Analisis Kehidupan Masyarakat Tionghoa Suku Totok Dan Tionghoa Peranakan Pada Abad 17 Di Batavia

Sri Lisminingsih - ABA BSI


ABSTRACT - Batavia is one of the trade centers in Indonesia. In which made the better trade during the period by Tionghoa people. Although, they came early by the force from the Dutch people, they eventually came over by their own willingness. The term to call out the Tionghoa People is various in Indonesia, such as the Totok Chinese and the Peranakan Chinese. They suffered in life during the Dutch Colonial period either in economy, trade or in education sector. The Dutch Colonial undertook the tricks of action to squeeze the Tionghoa, by rising up the tax. Nevertheless, the trick was unsuccessful, The Tionghoa people kept on their own success.


Key Word: Batavia, Totok Tionghoa people, Peranakan Tionghoa people

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