Strategi Pengembangan Salsa Café Dan Bistro Di Hotel Kumbokarno Yogyakarta

Ika Arista Suzanti, Ani Wijayanti - AKPAR BSI Yogyakarta



The research is a qualitative research purposed to examine the development strategy of Salsa Café and Bistro restoran at Kombokarno Hotel Yogyakarta. The data was collected by active participation interviews, direct observation and study of reference. The respondents are kombokarno hotel staff and all side involved in the operation of the hotel in general and in particular Salsa café and Bistro.

The data is analyzed by descriptive and SWOT analysis. Kombokarno Hotel is one of jasmine hotel which has a strategic location, which is in the Malioboro tourist area. The hotel has a café & Bistr,  named Salsa that provide food and beverage services to guests along 24 hours. Hotel Kombokarno and Salsa café has a different management, although still in the same family. Some of the obstacles faced are the lack of equipment and a small area of Salsa Cafe. The existence of Salsa café provide special attraction for visitors Kombokarno Hotel, because it provides service for eating and drinking, both in restorant or room service.

Keywords : Strategy, Development and  Restoran

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