Penggunaan Media Mind Map Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi
This research aimed at improving the learning motivation of the eleventh grade IPS2 students of SMA Taman Madya Jetis through the use of Mind Map media. Based on the results of classroom action observation being carried out, it was concluded that the use of Mind Map media was able to improve the motivation and performance of the eleventh grade IPS2 students of SMA Taman Madya Jetis. At Cycle I, the motivation improvement was achieved with a fairly-good descriptor (in accordance with the use of PAP II computation) with mean score of 90.39; and 32% of the students were courageous to present their group and paired discussion results, while at Cycle II the students’ motivation was at a high category with the mean score of 98.10; and 28% of the students were courageous to present and explain the material in front of other students in the classroom using the Mind Map.
Keyword: Media, Mind Map, Motivation
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