Analisis Aspek Pelestarian Budaya Dan Dampak Pergeseran Aqidah (Studi Kasus: Tradisi Saparan Bekakak Ambarketawang Gamping Sleman)
In the tradition Saparan bekakak two things are contrary to the preservation of culture and creed shift. In the preservation of this cultural impact can be seen from two sides: first, the belief in which people believe titual offerings to resist misfortune, believes this is part of good teaching because in it no element of religion, and believing as a blessing for keselamatn ngalap danmendapatkan rijki. Second, the implementation of activities to coincide with the Muslim religious activities that will menggau wishes of the people to worship. For that there should be a good compromise and meaning of ritual exercise of that culture.
Keyword: Preservation of Culture, Shifting Aqeedah, Tradition
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