Komparasi Algoritma Naive Bayes Dengan Algoritma Genetika Pada Analisis Sentimen Pengguna Busway

Riska Aryanti, Atang Saepudin, Eka Fitriani, Rifky Permana, Dede Firmansyah Saefudin


Congestion major cities in Indonesi caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. Some expressing he thinks about busway user through the social media and other web site, This opinion can be used as a sentiment analysis to see if the user busway proposes a review of positive or negative. The results of the analysis sentiment can help in the sight of and evaluate the use of busway, also expected to improve and transjakarta facility from so they tend to have an opinion positive. Based on the results of the analysis, sentiment it is hoped people will switch to using the will of course will reduce congestion. In the study also added the stages preprocesing by using the framework gataframework to complete the process that cannot be done on tools rapidminer. The methodology that was used in this research was it is anticipated that analysis the sentiment of the by the application of an genetic algorithm for an election features with an algorithm naive bayes. From the results of the testing to the case in research it is found that classification algorithm naive bayes based genetic algorithm having the kind of accuracy that good enough 88,55 % and value of auc reached 0,813 % with the level of the diagnosis classifications good. So that in this research classification algorithm naive bayes based genetic algorithm can be recommended as algorithms classifications good enough to analyze the busway user sentimen. Based on analysis is expected to private transport users will switch to using the busway will reduce congestion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/jtk.v5i2.5406

Copyright (c) 2019 Riska Aryanti, Atang Saepudin, Eka Fitriani, Rifky Permana, Dede Firmansyah Saefudin

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