Abstract - The problem is how meticulous the duties and responsibilities of the room attendant in the deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung, standard operational procedures in the deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung, and handling guest complaint in deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung. Author uses descriptive analysis, which is a form of writing in the actual situation describes strive about the object of research, then the data obtained in the form of a report compiled in.
Based on the results of observation it can be concluded that the task and responsibility of the room attendant in the deluxe room Hyatt Regency Bandung already carry it out in accordance with standard operational procedures (SOP) which is divided into two shifts, morning and evening shift which has a slightly different task, standard operational procedures in the deluxe room Hyatt Regency Bandung has been standard operating procedure in applying it at the hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung, and Guest complaint handling in deluxe room Hyatt Regency Bandung Hotel how to deal with and resolve the complaint vary slightly in view of the type of complaint.
Based on the results of observation and discussion, the authors conclude that the Duty room attendant in handling customers compaint deluxe room in the Hyatt Regency Bandung Hotel when his handlers was conducted appropriately and propesional effects will be good for the image of the hyatt regency hotel bandung.
Keywords: Room Attendant, Complaint, Deluxe room
Abstraksi - Masalah yang di teliti adalah tugas dan tanggung jawab room attendant di deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung, standar operasional prosedur di deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung, dan penanganan complaint tamu di deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung. Metode yang di gunakan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, yaitu bentuk penulisan yang di upayakan menggambarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya tetang objek penelitian,kemudian data yang di peroleh disusun dalam bentuk laporan.
Berdasarkan hasil observasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tugas dan tanggung jawab room attendant di deluxe room Hyatt Regency Bandung sudah melaksanakannya sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur (SOP) yang di bagi menjadi dua shift yaitu morning shift dan evening shift yang mempunyai tugas yang sedikit berbeda, standar operasional prosedur di deluxeroom Hyatt Regency Bandung sudah sesuai standar operasional prosedur yang di terapkan di hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung,dan penangan complaint tamu di deluxe room Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung cara menangani dan menyelesaikan complaint tersebut sedikit berbeda di lihat dari jenis complaint.
Berdasarkan dari hasil observasi dan pembahasan tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Tugas room attendant dalam menangani compaint tamu deluxe room di Hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung bila penangannya dilakukan secara tepat dan propesional inbasnya akan baik terhadap citra hotel hyatt regency bandung.
Kata kunci: petugas kebersihan kamar, komplain, kamar deluxe
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/par.v2i1.340