Sistem Informasi Peramalan Persediaan Barang Menggunakan Metode SES Dan DES

Ratih Yulia Hayuningtyas


Abstract: Sales is an activity in selling products that provide information about inventory. Arga Medical is a shop engaged in the sale of medical equipment, many of sales transactions in the
Arga Medical will affect the inventory. Problems in the Arga Medical is predicting many of product that must available for the next month. Therefore this research makes inventory information forecasting system using Single Exponential Smoothing and Double Exponential Smoothing method. This inventory forecasting information system will result a inventory forecasting for next month. Single Exponential Smoothing Method gives equal weight to each data while Double Exponential Smoothing method is smoothing twice. The Data used in this research is the sales data during 2016. Both of these methods resulted inventory forecasting in the next month is Januari 2017 of 52 with Single Exponential Smoothing and 60 with Double Exponential Smoothing. Each method has a Mean Square Error value the smallest error value is the best method for forecasting inventory.

Keywords: Forecasting, Inventory, Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing.

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