Optimalisasi Peran Humas Pemerintah Kota Depok Dalam Pengembangan Situ Sebagai Sarana Ekowisata

Devy Putri Kussanti


As one of the Municipality in West Java Province of Indonesia, Depok has now undergone a very rapid change both in terms of government, economy, commerce and tourism. As a buffer city between Jakarta and Bogor, Depok is often associated with the Megapolitan City in the Jabodetabek area which has a population increase each year, high community activities up to traffic congestion in Jakarta. Judging from this, it is possible that the land in Depok City will also decrease, especially green open land which has benefits for water absorption, noise reduction and the development of a viable environment for nature, culture and the community / residents of Depok City. To overcome the diminishing green open spaces and cultural recreation areas in Depok City, the Government has the idea to develop several natural tourism objects into ecotourism which can be used as a counterweight to the problems of limited environmental quality in Depok City. Depok City Government optimizes at least 4 Situ which is currently being worked on in the context of ecotourism development. Although in terms of implementing the concept of ecotourism it is not as easy and fast as expected, but the Depok City Government has taken its role as much as developing natural tourism products into community-based ecotourism, but still experiences some obstacles from in the government itself, from the community and from the private sector as a wheel of tourism development. This study uses a content-descriptive analysis research method, by studying more information obtained from various reading sources and concluding it into a discourse.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31294/jc.v19i1.4762

ISSN: 2579-3314

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